Chelli Pumphrey | Insight Is 20/20
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Insight is 20/20 Book

Insight is 20/20

How To Trust Yourself To Protect Yourself

From Narcissistic Abuse & Toxic Relationships

By Chelli Pumphrey, MA, LPC

Published by New Degree Press



Insight is 20/20 Book

“When constant phone calls and text messages at work are framed as worry, and frequent criticism masquerades as helpfulness, displays of extreme jealousy are claimed to be manifestations of deep love, and the very things that enable you to leave are used to ensnare you, it’s not surprising that the red flags that warn of a toxic relationship can be easily dismissed, misinterpreted or missed all-together by survivors of narcissistic abuse. Chelli Pumphrey’s book Insight is 20/20 is an important resource because it not only covers the red flags, but it teaches you how to identify and act on the internal red flags, which are usually not taught, and often more telling.“ Bree Bonchay, LCSW, Psychotherapist and Founder of World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day & Tele-summit

“Not only does Chelli Pumphrey masterfully explain the reasons why we get stuck in toxic relationships, she skillfully outlines the step-by-step process for healing from the trauma of a pathological love relationship so you know exactly how to pay attention to the red flags and avoid them in the future. I want to buy this book for every client I have ever seen who asked themselves, “what is wrong with me that I stayed for so long?” I highly recommend this book and it will be required reading for every therapist on my team!“  Bethany Barta, LCSW, Founder of Insight Counseling & Wellness

“This book covers everything you need to know to identify if you are with a narcissist and what to do to avoid repeating patterns. A complete guide that is eloquently written using stories to have the reader feel as if she is describing their journey. Chelli graciously shared her years of experience to help people find hope, heal and believe in a brighter tomorrow. This is a must read and will be added to my reading list to help people become surTHRIVERS.”
Tracy Malone, Author, Narcissistic Abuse Coach, Founder of 

"Insight Is 20/20 is an extremely well written and researched book which the reader surely will have many pages that are dog-eared and have yellow highlights in each chapter. Chelli provides a complete picture of a narcissist and reasons we fall blindly into relationship with them. As a trauma psychotherapist and a survivor of an abusive narcissistic relationship, I found the book to be a wealth of information; insightful, comprehensive and an easy read. Chelli writes with transparency and professional examples peppered throughout the book, as she communicates ways to identify a narcissist and the toxic relationship they create with others. *Insight Is 20/20* is ** essential for anyone who has been traumatized in a narcissistic relationship, or professionals working with clients who have been injured by narcissistic people.”  Debi Bedell-Circle, MA

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