Narcissistic Abuse Recovery
Survivor Support Groups
Women Survivors
Virtual 6-Week Recovery Group
“Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly,
without claiming it, she stands up for all women.” -Maya Angelou
This Group Is For You If:
You are a woman who has experienced narcissistic, antagonistic, or pathological abuse from an intimate partner. (PS, you don't need to know your partner's diagnosis, but you suspect a personality disorder or traits of one were to blame).
You are currently in a relationship and are afraid or confused about leaving.
You have left the relationship and are ready to begin your healing journey.
You've tried therapy but have struggled to find a therapist who "gets it."
You've done therapy but your therapist lacked training in working with narcissistic abuse.
You're looking for the support of other survivors who get it.
Group Topics Include:
How to identify & understand narcissism, psychopathy, and other personality disorders that lead to harm in relationships.
What happened to me? Identifying the unique trauma symptoms you may be experiencing (and learning what to do to heal).
Trauma bonds & cognitive dissonance: Why can't I leave or why did I stay?
What makes you vulnerable? Understanding personality traits, attachment styles, and other vulnerabilities.
To date or not to date? (And how to know when and if you're ready).
Healing techniques, including strategies to cope with trauma symptoms, nervous system regulation, and cognitive dissonance.
**These topics may vary depending on group needs**